Oma and Opa dropped in last week, starting with a late night arrival at BWI (airport) and ending up in my bed as I slept on the couch downstairs. Opa got put to work fixing various things around the house and putting up hooks and light fixtures. Oma helped me catch up on my sewing and rearranged Veeka's messy room. They pronounced themselves pleased with my new home. It's really good they were there as the following night, at exactly midnight, we were all awoken by a horrible barking sound which turned out to be the Little One herself with a case of croup. She'd just had a shot that day - a booster for DTP or DPT - anyway, she could barely breathe.
I was too upset to handle being on the phone with the nurse (who kept on asking inane questions while Veeka was lying there gasping for air), so Oma handled the medical end of things with her while Opa and I found hot steaming bowls of water, the vapors of which we forced Veeka to inhale until she began to breathe easier. She finally fell asleep in his arms. We were up til 2:30 a.m. and I ended up on the floor beside her bed. We all stayed home the next day and my parents gave up one day of their trip to Connecticut to make sure Veeka was going to stay well. The next day, we put them on the train at Union Station so all was well that ends well.
So, here are photos of Opa reading to Veeka about triangles from a book that tries to help kids understand geometric concepts and of Oma reading, I think, to the little one. She loved having them around because Oma taught her how to have tea with her dollies and Opa provided a lap she loved crawling onto. Of course Veeka will jump on the lap of any male present in the room - she wants a daddy more than a sister it seems - but unfortunately her mommy can't always conjure up such things.
So now we are back to just the two of us. I continue to do lots of radio interviews for "Quitting Church" and my first book signing will be at a local bookstore on the 18th. The weather is warm but unfortunately it's getting too dark in the evenings for our daily walks. Veeka loves going out after dinner to explore the neighborhood and seek out the local kitties.
Good morning, Julia.
I have been checking regularly for your latest post, as I knew your folks were there and had heard of Veeka's scary croup episode. I am thankful it turned out OK and you had Veeka's Oma and Opa there to help you both get thru it. Two of ours (Marcus and Lucy) have had similar episodes and the parents have heard the word 'asthma' mentioned. It is so scary, as you state, to see those dear little ones puffing for air.
I too have noticed how much darker it is in the AM and PM. Days so much shorter and if it is a cloudy, rainy day like we have today, even more dramatic how dark it is.
What I can see from the pictures, the house looks nice and spacious. I hope you are enjoying your shorter commute.
Blessings. You and Veeka are in my prayers. Hope no more croup.
Hi Julia; thanks for the book, and for making my morning email interesting -- I have a Google search set up that captures the blogs which comment upon your work.
The four of us are going back to church next week -- the PCA congregation I helped plant is holding a 25th reunion, and the diaspora is gathering. Wish you could be there to cover it.
Dave & Heidi
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