I took today off to prepare for a 5-minute segment about the new book that will be showing on the Christian Broadcasting Network. Today we filmed it in front of Christ Church on Massachusetts Avenue, a church that was a beacon during the 1970s in the charismatic/pentecostal movement. Of course I was late, the traffic was nasty and Veeka screeched during the filming (her daycare had the day off) but the weather was out of this world and I took care to wear the most colorful outfit I had which is a must for TV. The church pastor came out just before the cameras started to roll, so afterwards I had a long talk with him about how dry the whole renewal movement is these days in the USA.
Am apparently coming down with a cold, so am not in the best spirits now but am happy that last week's rain has changed into this week's sun which hopefully will redden the few remaining green tomatoes on the vines in my back yard.
Had a lovely booksigning for my latest two books last weekend in Virginia and got 25 people which was much appreciated.
Will let y'all know when the CBN spot airs. I have a few more possibilities in the cooker so stay tuned. Fortunately, Veeka cheered up after the shooting for me to get this photo. The host, Paul Strand, is in the background in blue.
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